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Basic Health Check-up

Basic Health Check-Up Tests

At Casa Medica, we believe that preventive healthcare is the key to maintaining optimal well-being. Our Basic Health Check-Up Test is designed to provide you with a comprehensive assessment of your overall health, helping you detect any potential health issues early on and take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

Our Basic Health Check-Up Test includes a range of essential medical examinations and screenings that cover various aspects of your health, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, kidney function, liver function, and more. The test is conducted by our team of experienced healthcare professionals using state-of-the-art equipment and advanced diagnostic techniques, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

Features of Basic Health Check-Up

Your First Step Towards a Healthier Tomorrow

Our Basic Health Check-Up offers a wide-ranging evaluation of your overall health, covering essential parameters such as blood pressure, blood glucose, lipid profile, and kidney function. This thorough assessment provides valuable insights into your current health status.

Early detection is crucial for managing potential health risks. By identifying any underlying health conditions at an early stage, our check-up enables timely intervention and personalized health management plans, reducing the risk of complications.

Armed with the results from our Basic Health Check-Up, you can make informed decisions to proactively manage your health. Our healthcare experts will provide guidance and lifestyle recommendations to help you achieve your wellness goals.